
︎︎︎Running with the wolves


Running with the wolves. A hand-made wolf totem. The most powerful wolf with red eyes and has red moon in its back, is surrounded by other smaller wolves and forest.

Media: fur, silkscreen

︎︎︎The journey of 3

In this book, three caterpillars symbolize me and my two best friends. Since we were all entirely lost and confused about the future, the quarantine separated us from going to a journey, I created this piece to comfort all. In this book, three caterpillars tour around the world. Each page is a new place with hidden conversations inside.

Media: Cloth, thread and silk screen

︎︎︎My way to school

This is a 3D project demonstrates my way to SVA. The handmade box is an abstract pattern of my head, and there’s a mini self doll inside as audience opens it. The internal of the box painted an abstract route to my school and places I saw everyday on the way.

Media: Cloth, thread, acrylic, wood, tape

︎︎︎The Rabbit Year decoration

A tied up bunny for the traditional Chinese New Year, the rabbit year for 2023.

Media: silkscreen


︎ ︎
︎ max_tz@outlook.com


Hi there, welcome.
This is Max Huang who is currently studying illustration in SVA. I express my feelings through art. And I enjoy exploring different media.